
Greater Quantity Purchased Leads to Increased Savings
At Tantalizing Stitches, wholesale prices are simply based on the quantity you desire to purchase. No resale certificate or seller permit is required to qualify for wholesale prices.

By providing multiple quantity pricing, TS attempts to cater to both the hobbiest and crafty entrepreneur.

Mix and Match Finishes
TS wholesale prices allow the customer to mix finishes and sizes of smaller items. This often provides a substantial savings to customers desiring a little flexibility and variety while gaining the bulk rate advantage.

In general, these options are already included in every listing at the TS stand alone shop. If you find your option missing, please email kam@tantalizingstitches.com with your request.

Looking for Quantities over 1500?
Additional savings is available for quantities over 1500. To receive a quote, email kam@tantalizingstitches.com with your desired quantities.